We made a serious haul today on trips to Antelope Pass, NM and North Fork, Chiricahhus Mtns, AZ. Check out all the critters.
Find of the trip so far: a big, beautiful, yellowish green rat snake (
Senticolis triaspis) found by our wonderful Chef Chip:

Matt showing a mean western hognose snake (
Heterodon nasicus) to the class:

We found a teeny little night snake (
Hypsiglena torquata) on Portal Rd.:

Alicia checking out a big male Yarrow's spiny lizard (
Sceloporus jarrovi):

Check out this incredibly cute neonate short-horned lizard (
Phrynosoma hernandesi):

We found lots of these round-tailed horned lizards (
P. modestum) in Antelope Pass:

Look at this gorgeous female collared lizard (
Crotaphytus collaris), about to pop out eggs any second:

The students caught a big male:

Steve showing the students a big two-striped whipsnake (
Masticophis bilineatus):

Steve noosing a gray-checkered whiptail lizard (
Aspidoscelis dixoni):

Jay Cole then introduced us to this all-female species, which is highly endangered (populations only in Antelope Pass, NM and Big Bend, TX):

I stumbled upon this pretty little female banded rock rattlesnake (
Crotalus lepidus) in North Fork:

Here she is out on a rock:

Then a student found this big male:

And here he is in a tube:

A group of students later found another female out cruising:

Yearling (or two?) black-tailed rattlesnake (
C. molossus) with a large food bulge:

The inverts didn't disappoint either. Huge vinegaroon:

Scorpions are good mamas:
Very nice photos!
Great photos!! Looks as if you've had alot of success finding a big assortment of critters!!!!
Great blog, continue the good work!
I definitely love this site.
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